beach resilience to storm-induced erosion

what contributes to beach profile recovery after significant erosion events.

Currently working on this project. The beach recovery is checked in the 10-day post-storm period. A storm data set of 347 is used.

A lot of content to be updated, more work to be done. Following function was used to check the profile change during a storm event. This is a continuation from the susceptibility quantification approach.

def prof_change_temp(start,end):
    start = pd.to_datetime(start)
    end= pd.to_datetime(end)
    start,end = (start - timedelta(5)).date(),(end + timedelta(5)).date()
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (4,2.2), dpi = 300)
    x = np.arange(-115.0,386.0,5)
    temp = profile.loc[start:end,:'385']
    temp_wave = wave.resample('d').max().loc[start:end,'Hs_380']
    line, = ax.plot(x, gaussian_filter1d(temp.values[0], sigma=2), 
                    linewidth = 0.4, color = 'k')
    time_text = ax.text(-100, -4, '', bbox=dict(facecolor='green', alpha=0.1))
    time_text2 = ax.text(-100, -2.5, '', bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.1))

    def animate(i):
        line.set_ydata(gaussian_filter1d(temp.values[i], sigma=2))  # update the data.
        time_text.set_text('date = {}'.format(temp.index[i].date()))
        time_text2.set_text('max Hs = {:.2f} m'.format(temp_wave[i]))
        return line, time_text,

    plt.grid(linewidth = 0.2)
    plt.axhline(y = 1.25, linewidth = 0.4, color = 'teal', label = 'HWL - 1.252 m')
    plt.xlabel('Cross-shore distance')
    plt.axvspan(0,150, alpha=0.1, color='r')
    plt.ylabel('Elevation (m)')
    plt.legend(frameon = True)

    ani = animation.FuncAnimation(
        fig, animate,frames = len(temp), interval=750, blit=True)
    #Call function to display the animation
    return HTML(ani.to_html5_video())



  1. Machine learning-driven approach to quantify the beach susceptibility to storm-induced erosion
    Salika Thilakarathne, Takayuki Suzuki, and Martin Mäll
    Coastal Engineering Journal, Nov 2023